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Why You Need Strong Goals and Determination, Not Motivation

Why you need strong goals and determination, not motivation

Are you looking for the secret to motivation? Are you looking for the silver bullet to eliminate distractions and get you motivated? Sorry to disappoint but that simply doesn't exist.

Let's clear up one of the most widespread myths of all time: nobody is motivated 100% of the time.

If the business leaders of today waited for motivation every time they sat down to work, they wouldn't be leaders. If Olympic athletes waited for motivation to start their workout, they wouldn't be Olympic athletes. If every successful person ever waited for motivation to start anything, then none of them would be successful.

You think I'm motivated all the time? Hell no. In fact I'm only motivated to start working about 20-30% of the time. The rest of the time I draw from my willpower, from the goals I've set for myself and from my determination to accomplish those goals.

You need to quit looking for motivation. In fact fuck motivation, build determination.

Motivation is great when it strikes, it makes doing something easier. However, if you spend all your time waiting to be motivated, you're wasting your time. If you spend all your time waiting to be motivated, then the competition will wind up miles ahead of you.

Let me ask, have you got goals? Are they real goals? Real goals challenge you and make you rise to the occasion. Real goals have deadlines. Real goals don't wait for motivation. Take a step back and let me ask again, are they real goals?

If you're telling me you've got real goals, why are you waiting to work on them? Time won't wait for you, and time wasted is time lost. You need to start working today, and the only thing that will make that happen is determination.

If you sit down everyday and work simply through determination, through a mix of stubbornness and discipline, you will see results. You will see results while the person waiting for motivation sees nothing.

Maybe your goal is to be wealthy, or be fit, or have a lot of visitors on your site. If you get up everyday and take action, you can achieve those things. These things require daily action, nobody has daily motivation.

If you want help being determined, or want help setting better goals, there is hope. But if you're asking, "How do I get motivated?" then you're chasing a white whale.

While it seems simple, some of the best advice I've gotten when it came to determination was two words: Be tougher. Any time you feel distracted or don't want to work, tell yourself these two words. Are you weak or are you tough? You decide.

Want to set better goals to help you stay determined? You're in luck because I've written plenty on good goals, I've even written a whole guide to help you crush your goals. Building determination starts with better goals that challenge you and work on a subconscious level. Start crafting better goals and you'll find yourself more determined in every aspect of life.

Ask yourself, "Do I really want to Get Shit Done?" It's yes or no, you better not include a but or any kind of excuse. If you really want something you won't wait for it, you'll strive for it and you won't let anything stop you. What are you waiting for? Go start setting goals and build determination, quit waiting for that motivation to come around.



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Mind of a Millennial


Entrepreneur | Blogger | Life-long Learner 



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