24 Things I'm Thankful For this Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving has come and gone, and some might consider this post four days late, however, I wanted to set aside a post to talk about what I'm thankful for. The holiday season is always a great time to exercise selflessness and mindfulness; both are valuable skills in being a good and whole person. I started this post by writing down 24 things in my notebook, and I encourage you to do the same. Without further ado, let's get down to business.
1.The Opportunity to Travel
I've been lucky enough in my life to have traveled to several continents. Not a lot of people my age have even traveled outside of the United States, and I owe my experience largely to my aunt Tracy and my father. Thanks to my family I have been able to see Japan, China, St. Lucia, Ireland and currently I'm in Italy while this post is going up!
In Japan I got to see temples in the middle of Tokyo. In China I could see the entire city of Shanghai from the top of the Oriental Pearl Tower. In St. Lucia I lounged on the beach and learned how to windsurf. Finally, in Ireland I was able to visit sites of my family ancestors such as Barrymore Castle and I even got to stay in both a castle on the western side of Ireland, and in an apartment in Dublin over the course of the trip.
Another memorable trip I've been on was to Costa Rica as part of a school group. Over the course of the year we fundraised to be able to pay the travel cost and went as a group of eight students, two parent chaperons, and two of my favorite high school teachers. Costa Rica was a different kind of trip abroad. Being with students was a fun experience; we learned about coffee farming in the region and even helped make clean-burning stoves for immigrant workers in the area that are otherwise using coal stoves which cause respiratory issues.
After Costa Rica, I was still able to keep in contact with a farmer we had worked with for several days, and our tour guide who was with us the whole time.
For each of these traveling experiences I am deeply grateful as I have developed a more cultured world view, I've met some amazing people, and these experiences have left me with a greater lust for travel.
2. A Supportive Family
Through good times and bad, family is there for you -- even your argumentative brother (just kidding, love you Cameron). My family isn't the closest, but we are always there for each other when in need. My brother always beat me up as a kid -- what older brother doesn't do that to the younger? -- but he was also always there to protect me from bullies and hard times. My dad is a great provider and role model; he's given me a work ethic that I will forever use to my advantage. My runt younger sister is always smiling and happy to see me, and whenever I'm away I can always be sure that when I return I'll be greeted with a hug from my kid sister.
As for my extended family, my aunts have always been great people and great influences. As I said, my aunt Tracy has brought me nearly all around the world, while my other aunt, Marji, has always been a great listener when I need to call and talk.
I've got a lot of other family; the Barry clan spans far and wide -- we've all got strong bonds with each other that are entirely unique. We argue at times, but in the end there has never been a time when my family has turned their back on me or not supported me in my endeavors.
3. Wonderful Pets
My pets are all very special to me. When I was away for college, they showed their friendship by tackling me as soon as I came home. I've always had dogs in my house and at least one cat -- each one will be with me for as long as I live, even once they pass.
I think many of us feel this way about our pets. Animals understand you in a way that seems ethereal; my dogs will always cozy up to me when I'm having a rough day, my cat almost never leaves me alone, and I'm thankful for their constant companionship and protection, even from the monsters that weren't really there back when I was a kid.
4. Nature
I've been blessed to grow up where I have. I live in the forested mountains of Upstate New York where we really do have four seasons, and all of them are beautiful. I'm from a small town, like many of the towns in Upstate New York, that thrives on tourism. People come from all over the world to see the leaves in fall, ski in winter, hike in the spring and relax in the summer.
Up until a few years ago I loathed these people, but recently I took a look from their perspective and had a renewed appreciation for the area I live in. I never go hiking, or camping, or kayaking as much as I'd like to, but I still have the freedom to do it anytime, and that's something amazing.
When going for a hike or even a plain walk in the woods, there's a magic in the air you feel nowhere else. This magical feeling is why I'm thankful for being blessed to live in an area like I do.
5. An Amazing Editor
As much as I write, I can't claim to be perfect at it. When this post gets to you it's certainly never the first version, and it's always edited by the wonderful Johanna. Jo has edited almost every post since my first and she is the queen of finding errors I never would and correcting me on my misused idioms.
I've always been terrible at proofreading my own work; I probably would have done better in college if I took the time to do it. It's because of this I am forever grateful for Jo as she has saved me lots of time in writing posts and helped make this blog something I can be proud of.
6. Public Education
I live in a country where public education is considered a right and not an opportunity, and for this I will be forever thankful. While we don't think about it often; not every person in the world is able to, or even allowed, to attend school.
In some regions of the world, your gender or class can be enough of a reason for you to not be allowed even an elementary education and I hope this changes quickly. Having the right to an education has given me invaluable insight and skills that I will apply to the rest of my life, no matter what path I take.
7. My Teachers In High School
Not only did I have a public education, but it was a public education delivered through amazing and motivating teachers that helped me long after I was out of their class.
The teachers in my school took an interest in their students' lives, and they not only taught us the subject, but they taught us valuable life lessons.
My English teachers all through school encouraged me to write more. In 9th grade I was in a creative writing class that opened my mind up to different styles. In 10th grade I learned to respect the classics and read between the lines to see what was going on. 11th grade brought non-fiction and difficult essays that gave me an appreciation for life itself through the eyes of people like Abraham Lincoln and Jeannette Walls. In 12th grade I learned of Greek mythology with one of the nicest people I will ever know as a teacher. Each of these teachers taught me skills and techniques, both in thinking and writing, that I use daily when I work on my blog.
My 7th grade math teacher was always a smiling inspiration who kept me on the right track. I wasn't in her class in high school, but you can be certain that she never ceased to teach me and listen when I needed someone to talk to. She is a large part of the reason I did well in school, because she always pushed me to work to my full potential, not the bare minimum.
My environmental science teacher was more than a teacher and someone I consider a friend. She was my rugby coach, and environmental club supervisor, and she was always helping me from 9th grade and still does -- I talked to her last week. I've even traveled with this teacher to Boston on more than one occasion and to Costa Rica for projects.
Physics and chemistry were both taught by an amazing teacher who I still keep in touch with. He brought fostered my love for technology and further learning through his teaching. There wasn't a day where he failed to impart a new fact to us in his "Science Fact of the Day" that always led me to more articles than I could read.
Lastly, my Spanish teacher. Señora taught me a language and a culture, so well that I had no problem communicating in Costa Rica and with other Spanish-speaking people anywhere I've been. Although my Spanish is rusty, my memories of Spanish class are anything but.
All of these teachers had significant impacts in my years and I was so lucky to have all of them as part of my education.
8. My Rights
I was born in a country that believes in inalienable human rights -- rights that have given me a great life, and freedom and security.
Without the freedom of speech, I doubt I would be able to publish a blog of my own creation. Without freedom of the press I doubt I would be able to develop an opinion that is true and honest. Without many of my other rights I would not have lived remotely similar to the way I have.
These rights, that people long ago decided were to be given to every man, while not perfect in their delivery or coverage, are a huge part of me being able to live a life of choice.
9. My Past
As I won't delve too deeply into my past, I will say that I have the utmost respect and gratitude for all of my experiences.
A man is the sum of his experiences, and while not all of my life has been sunny, all of my life has lead me to where I am today.
I like to think that I'm driven and happy. I like to think that I'm making good decisions daily and I have my past and everyone in it to credit for who I have become. It's because I'm happy with who I am today that I will forever to be grateful for all of my experiences, good and bad.
10. Music
Music is omnipresent in my life. I've almost always listened to music before I sleep, or on my way to and from anywhere. Even at work there is constantly music, and I would never have it any other way.
I believe music is part of what makes us human. It's creative and always changing, with a variety of genres that form new ones every day. I can always find something I like in music because at the base of it all is a person or people enjoying themselves and doing what they love.
Music has gotten me through tough times, and accompanied me through every happy moment. Even when the music isn't audible to others, there's something always playing in my head.
11. A Home Without Rent
I've lived in an apartment all summer, but due to the circumstances of life, I'm not able to keep it.
At first this seemed terrible, but with the help of my dad I'm moving back home for a bit at age 19. Even if it's temporary, having a place I don't have to pay to live in is a massive weight off my shoulders as I work on saving money for endeavors with my blog, or to pay off student loans.
While I enjoyed having my own space, and am definitely grateful for the quaint apartment I've had since June, having a space to always call home, no matter my situation is something I can't be grateful enough for.
I know some people aren't lucky enough to have this; some people couldn't return home if they wanted to, and that can be hard, especially when it could be your only option. I'm happy I'm lucky enough to have a place to go, and grateful to my dad for offering this home I grew up in to be my home again now.
12. Having Found My Passion
I'm lucky enough to have found my passion and purpose at a young age. I've always attributed this to "having an old soul" because often it's not been my decision to follow a certain path, but rather I felt my soul lead me down it.
Writing and entrepreneurship are things I love. When I'm working at my day job it's all I can do nowadays to resist the urge to jot down a new idea or work on my next post.
These two things I know I'll have far beyond my youthful years, and they're skills I will always be looking to build upon.
13. My Friends
Many of my friends know that they are truly family in my eyes. Every friend I have had through the years is dear to me, each in a unique way. My friends are huge motivators, whether they know it or not.
These friends are the people I live and breathe for; some have been by my side since kindergarten and some since last month, yet they are so supportive and I couldn't do half the things I do without them cheering me on.
My friends are my champions and often are the ones reading my blog with each new post, so for each of you, I hope you see this because I really do love you and you are always part of my family in my eyes.
14. My Readers
My readers are huge motivators in a similar way to my friends. At the end of each day, I check my site to see how many people have been here to visit it, and even if that number is one I am overjoyed.
I live and breathe for my readers the same way I do for my friends. I know there are people who I don't even know who have viewed this, and while I don't know them, having that support is amazing and it's what keeps me motivated all the way until the next post. So for every reader, thank you for thinking my ideas are important enough to read. Thank you for taking time to do so and I am forever grateful; you have made this project worthwhile.
15. For Living When I Am
This generation is breaking ground in ways we never could have dreamed. For example, we've taken up a movement for climate justice just in time to potentially save the world; and in the United States we have taken on a whole second Civil Rights Movement.
With technology the way it is ,there are so many ideas that are transcending borders, that are going from individuals to others across the world in seconds, which is something that would have been science fiction a century ago.
I'm excited to see what's to come in my lifetime. I believe that in the next century we will see more and more advances that we could have only dreamed of become reality, and I am ready to see each and every one revolutionize my world.
16. Social Media
It sounds like something that a Millennial would say for sure: "I'm grateful for social media." But hear me out on this one.
With the help of social media, I was able to establish a presence with my blog. I'm able to use a mechanism to share to friends and family quickly as I work on this blog. I can share articles, videos and music that I love with friends from all over.
Speaking of friends from all over, I'm able to talk to them! Just earlier today I was speaking to a friend from Scotland as if we were in the same room.
Lastly, social media has helped me create a network of individuals I can look up to and learn from. Thanks to Twitter I was able to connect with the top social media influencer, Sam Hurley, and learn about all kinds of things that have helped me develop this blog from him! So yeah, I'm grateful for social media.
17. The Internet
On the topic of technology and social media, I'm grateful for the Internet as well. Thanks to the Internet, which I consider to be the world's largest university when used properly, I have been able to get something of an education in writing, marketing, SEO, and plenty of other subjects.
I can learn about news going on halfway across the world in seconds ,and read things that aren't even in a language I can read thanks to translators. The internet is an amazing tool that many of us use daily via phone, computer, tablet or many other devices. It's made the world smaller, and thanks to that, I like to think I can have a more educated opinion on many different topics if I choose to learn about them.
18. Good Health
Throughout my entire life I have somehow managed to stay in almost constant good health -- I haven't even broken a bone.
Now I can certainly thank my dad for getting me all my vaccinations. I can also thank the great healthcare system I have at my disposal. It may not be perfect, and in fact it isn't the best for many people in the United States, however it is still better than that of many other countries.
When I truly have been sick or had any kind of long-lasting illness, I was always able to be seen by a doctor fairly quickly and was given what I needed to get well again.
Having good health has kept me involved in my education and in extra-curricular activities, so it is something I consider to be invaluable.
19. Good Food
Having traveled the world, I am always looking for good food. Often being described as an endless pit, I have a tendency to be looking for something to eat anywhere I go. As I write this post before I leave, I can say for certain I will be enjoying amazing food in Italy when you're reading this.
Good food has also always been something that brings my family together. I remember getting the whole family together for Thanksgiving: my cousins, aunts, uncles, sister, brother and my dad all sitting around a massive table enjoying what was always a spectacular meal.
So not only has food brought satisfaction through wonderful flavor, it's brought together my family and this is something to be truly grateful for.
20. The Things I Have
While I wouldn't consider myself materialistic, I am still very grateful for the things I have.
Many of my possessions bring back memories of a special place or person -- right next to me there's an empty Coca Cola bottle I filled with sand from a time I was on a sandy beach in Mexico. On my other side is a hammock that I purchased for $20 while in Costa Rica.
As for the things that aren't as sentimental, I'm happy to have them because it really is a privilege; not everyone has the snowboard they want or a cool blue bass guitar, and it's why I treat all my things with gratitude and respect.
21. Coffee and Coffee Shops
I love coffee.
Since I was in 7th grade I've had a cup of coffee almost every day (and no it didn't stunt my growth). I pretty much lived in my local Starbucks through high school, then in the dining hall at college, and I even just finished a cup of coffee as I wrote post #17 at 1 am -- by this point coffee is part of my molecular structure.
There was even a birthday where almost every single present I received was coffee related, including several bags of coffee from all over the world. As I write this I can almost smell the coffee I'll be drinking in Italy.
Coffee is one of my true loves in this world, and I will always have a spot in my stomach for a good cup of coffee. At this rate I can only hope that they serve coffee 24/7 in the afterlife.
22. Bernie Sanders
This past year was the first year I was eligible to vote, and damnit if Bernie Sanders didn't inspire me to politically aware and involved for the rest of my life.
While he didn't win the nomination, or the election, Bernie is someone I look up to as he truly believes in fighting the issues that matter most to my generation. He is not only fighting issues, but he is fighting a system that doesn't necessarily work for everyone.
If I ever become a politician, I can only hope I am as awesome as Bernie is.
23. My Network
I've been miraculously graced with a tendency to find the right people at the right time.
I've met people of all persuasions that have taught me some amazing lessons, and people who I can still lean on for advice and guidance when I need it. My network is ever-growing and it's full of true individuals, people who I feel I am lucky to have met and know on a personal level.
Through this network I constantly am shown new paths and introduced to new people who shape who I am and who I will become. Whether they are part of my online network or my personal network, I am grateful for all of them, since I have always managed to learn from each and every one of them.
24. The People I Will Work With Through This Blog
This blog is quite the project, and I confess I don't know where it will go. Rather than me forming the destination, this blog has taken a life of its own and is bringing me along for the journey in a sense.
I've already got to meet some great people through the blog -- readers and teachers for sure, yet I've also met some people that I now work with as a result of this blog, which is an interesting outcome to say the least.
As I continue to grow this blog and grow my presence, I'm excited to continue working with amazing people, learning from great new teachers and helping people who want to take similar steps to the ones I've taken.
I know any person who has remotely helped or shared an idea about my blog has been significant, and I'm sure I've yet to meet many people who will continue to help me as I grow, as both a blogger and a human being.
I know this was a long post, as I end it is nearly 4000 words. These are many of the things I'm grateful for, and it's why I write about them and post them on this blog.
We should all be grateful for something. I'd love to learn what you're grateful for. So please, tell me what you are grateful for in the comments, either here, or on Facebook, or even tweet me on Twitter. I know Thanksgiving is over but there is always time to be grateful.