11 Ways to Unlock Your True Creative Potential
Are you a creative? Or maybe you've always wanted to be more creative? Creativity is like a muscle that can be strengthened; anyone can achieve their true creative potential, sometimes you just need the help of a few tricks. I'm here to help you discover your true creative potential and help set you on the path you've always wanted to explore with the 11 best ways I could find that improve creativity in every person. I've sourced these tips from all over the internet, ranging from blogs, scientific studies and news articles. While there are many more out there, I believe that these 11 tricks are the best for giving your inner creative a kickstart. Without further delay, let's jump in!
1. Listening to Music
This may seem like a no-brainer. Nearly every person I know, especially Millennials, have some music going on around them almost ALL the time. This is because music is universal; every culture creates music of some sort -- it's part of being human and has been titled one of man's greatest creative achievements.
Turns out that music doesn't just occupy your ears, it activates the mind. Scientists have shown that when listening to music your brain enters a "Mind-Wandering Mode" and is more prone to being creative. Studies show that this effect is most beneficial when the music is at a medium to low noise level, anything higher than 85dB can actually harm one's ability to focus and may inhibit creativity. Music with lyrics can be helpful, but it's most suggested that one listens to genres such as Jazz, Classical or instrumentals to get the most out of music when trying to be creative. On top of music's ability to make us think better, it can help control our moods; being in a good mood can be integral to being creative. Studies showed that people listening to music also experienced a release of dopamine in the brain, a chemical that can influence your happiness. With that in mind, try playing the video above while you continue reading the following 10 tricks to being more creative.
2. Get In a Positive Mood
When you sit down to work are you typically in a good mood?
Well, you should be. Being in a positive mindset reduces inhibition and can aid in creativity just as music can. There are lots of ways to make yourself happier. Of course, you know yourself better than I, so do what gets you in the right mood. However, the following are all proven methods that help most people get out of that rut and into the right headspace.
Chew gum! Chewing gum can help ease tension and reduce stress.
It's been shown that random acts of kindness can help people put themselves in a better mood as well. Buy someone a drink or give someone a compliment and you're likely to perk up.
De-clutter. If you find yourself in a messy room, it can affect your happiness. Pick up a few things and clean and you will be in the right mood in no time.
Look at something green. It may seem silly but it's been shown that green is a color that can trigger happiness and creativity in individuals.
On top of tricks to stay happy, one solid way to be in a positive mood more often and develop emotional control is to meditate and be mindful. Meditation has proven benefits to mental and physical health, so next time before you get to work, try to sit for a few minutes and just breathe. For the beginner to meditation, here is a wonderful site that will get you started
3. Make Sure You're Sleeping Well
Have you ever been told to sleep on it?
Sleep is integral to all aspects of your health and mood. It even affects how creative you are. Many people don't sleep enough and this can impact us more than we think. Lack of sleep can affect your creative capacity, weaken your ability to problem solve, and make you emotionally less stable. Sleeping can also connect you to your subconscious as well, especially in deep sleep. This connection can produce dreams and help you be more creative. Taking naps can also be advantageous when it comes to being creative. A small break from work and life to shut your eyes may be just what you need for that boost of creativity. You'll feel refreshed and ready to get going again after a little bit of shut-eye. To back this even more, many great figures have stated their "Aha!" moment came to them in their sleep or in a dream. The famed artist Salvador Dali often connected his paintings to his dreams and Paul McCartney stated that the idea for the song "Yesterday" came to him in a dream. Dreams are some of our best creative work and they can influence our lives when we're awake.
Make sure you're sleeping enough and you will soon be feeling that creative urge.
4.Go Outside
Do you ever think to yourself that you, "Just need to go for a walk"? Well nature is the place to do it, especially if you're looking for creative inspiration. Unplugging from electronics is shown to spur creativity in individuals and there's no place better for that than nature. Scientists have shown that going for walks in nature can lead to a whole array of positive side effects such as decreased stress, better ability to pay attention, and more stable, positive moods. You've probably noticed it yourself when you're out camping or going for a hike -- you feel at peace and far less worried about what's going on on your social network feeds. You can feel more contemplative and creative with just a small dose of nature. Nature can also be massively influential in your creative process. With green all around you it can really bring out a creative, happy mood. On top of that, there is no doubt that Mother Nature is the greatest creative we can know; it's taken millions of years to innovate and design the animals we see today that fit so perfectly with their environment.
So get out and be inspired by creativity incarnate. Go take a walk toward greater creativity.
5. Writing Over Typing
I can personally attest to this more than many of the other tips. Anyone who knows me well knows that I love notebooks and legal pads. For me, any idea starts on a legal pad and only moves to a computer in the later stages, no matter what I'm doing. Every blog post I write, it's planned out and organized via legal pad long before I reach my computer. Every website I design is drawn somewhere in a notebook, and any crazy idea I've had is surely jotted down on a piece of paper and may even be accompanied with sketches. It's been shown on a scientific level that handwriting, although it may take more time, is far better than typing when it comes to creativity. It's been shown that handwriting something activates parts of the brain associated with creativity, and the fluid movements of such behavior may be related to fluid thought in the mind.
In an age where almost anything can be done via computer, often it is better for your inner creative to pull out a pen and set aside the keyboard -- doing so might just lead to your next big innovation!
6. Doodle
Have you been called out for doodling before? Were you accused of not paying attention? Well tell those people that they're wrong, and you'll happily learn while you doodle. It's been shown time and time again that doodling can do a number of wonderful things ranging from enabling you to visualize connections while you learn to helping you recall what was being said when you were doodling.
Images can lead to better problem-solving skills and improved creativity in almost anyone, especially when done strategically. Doodling can help keep you connected to what's at hand, staving off daydreams that pull you too far from reality (a little bit of daydreaming helps with creativity too). There is even a TED Talk on how doodling can aid you in the workplace or class.
Even when I'm working on my posts, there are doodles everywhere. Just on the page next to me I've got a dinosaur, some ice cream and an elephant's foot. What do these things have to do with this post? Not much, but they helped me focus as I researched for this post. Even our presidents doodle, so have no fear, doodling is here!
7. Do Something You Love
Just after Einstein finished his Theory of Relativity, he wrote a letter to his son giving some amazing fatherly advice.
"Mainly play the things on the piano which please you, even if the teacher does not assign those. That is the way to learn the most, that when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don’t notice that the time passes. I am sometimes so wrapped up in my work that I forget about the noon meal. . . ."
Einstein encouraged his son to pursue a passion. It's not a surprise that when someone does something they truly love, they feel empowered and more creative. Pursing a passion for most people is what can lead to finding a "calling" and is extremely effective in increasing motivation and creativity. Why shouldn't it? I've even written a post solely on this topic, In Pursuit of a Passion. People doing something they love often feel an interior motivation to do so. For many, this can take the form of writing, painting, woodworking, singing or many other inherently creative tasks. As humans, we enjoy participating in creation of something new, it can spur new ideas and innovation. I work on this blog mostly as a hobby. I don't get paid for running it as of now, but I still feel heavily committed to it. All the research, learning and writing I do for this blog is due to this inner motivation to follow my calling. I enjoy business and writing, so starting a blog has kept me creative, as it is an experiment in both. Do something you love and let the creativity flow. 8. Try Something New
Many communities offer classes for an array of things such as cooking, painting, or pottery. Taking part in classes such as these and pushing past your comfort zone may just be the next step to your great success.
Our brains like to learn, and when we are learning something new it can, just like hand-writing, music and most of these other tips, activate the creative, right side of your brain. There is an underlying process going on that enables you to be more involved in what you're doing and become more creative. Often times these classes can be social experiences and many people who take them will grow their sense of well-being, optimism and self-compassion. This behavioral change from a class can develop into a long-term effect that reaches out into every aspect of your life. If you go to college you are even luckier than most as you can sign up for courses that, although they may not be tied to your major, catch your interest and help you develop as a person; as well as round out your knowledge. Not to mention, there are plenty of great clubs around for almost anything, ranging from knitting club to botany club. My best suggestion for trying something new is to do something with your hands, something that is not purely intellectual but gets you more involved. The classes I listed earlier: cooking, pottery, and painting are all great because they are both creative and work with the hands, meaning they act the same on the brain as hand-writing something over typing it. 9. Be More Social
Have you ever been mid conversation with a friend and suddenly answered a question from earlier in the day? Or maybe called a friend when you hit a wall at work? Being social can aid you in thinking at a deeper level, it also widens your perspective allowing you to have better processing of the problem at hand. On top of this, bringing projects or problems to friends can help you in getting advice, getting constructive criticism and having someone to bounce your ideas off of. I find myself often messaging friends when working on a post simply so that I can get feedback or help with the particular part I'm working on (special thanks to my helpers who are there constantly: Jo, Ina, and Deb. You guys all made this post and others so much easier). Being social can also improve your mood, and going out with friends is an easy way to leave the screens behind and reduce inhibition, both of which lead to heightened creativity. Next time you're stuck, try phoning a friend for help -- it might just dissolve that writers block or leave you with the sense of perspective you need to move on. 10. Expose Yourself to Creativity
Go see an Indie movie, watch a concert, view a gallery or do anything that will get you around creativity.
Creativity is contagious; being around creative friends can influence our own creativity and so can the creativity of people we hardly know. Watching a concert live or going to a gallery immerses you in a sense of creativity and can help inspire you. Exposing yourself to these things can aid in improving your mood, not to mention that these events are often social, which goes back to point 9: Be More Social. It may sound repetitive at this point but seeing and experiencing art, especially first-hand, really helps your brain kick up the creativity. So call up a friend, go out and watch a concert -- when you get back to work there is no doubt you'll be feeling energized, positive, and ready to get creative.
11. Just Start
It may sound oversimplified, but this is the single best way to boost creativity. You won't feel creative until you push yourself to be creative. Sitting down to write, even if what you end up with is nonsense, will help you get the gears turning.
If you've got an idea for a project, get started on it. You can do all of these things, but even the most creative mind needs to get it out or there is little to show for all that creativity. When researching for this post, I came across many business articles that spoke of creators that were paralyzed by fear or wouldn't start for a variety of reasons. Until you start, it will always seem much harder than it really is, but picking up that paint brush, picking up your pen or sitting at a pottery wheel is sometimes all it takes to get the juices flowing.
In physics, there is a rule that once something is moving, it takes less energy to move it than moving it from complete rest. Don't be at rest -- keep your creative momentum up and it will constantly be easier to be creative than when you just think about doing it.
I hope that these 11 tricks can help you be more creative. Many of them are interconnected, so doing only a few may turn out more creativity than you think. Trying these 11 tips can be a grand step towards pursuing your dreams and unleashing the creative you have always dreamed of being. If you like these tips, feel free to share them with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or any other social platform, as it means a lot to me and helps a ton.